If bottlenecks occur in area-specific management positions in the form of departures or a lack of know-how, these must be bridged promptly to ensure the smooth continuation of corporate processes. The functions and responsibilities of the CRO/CSO/CMO/CTO/CDO managers are critical for the entire corporate workflow and all decision-making processes.
Our approach

In the phase of restructuring or development along the value chain, many companies lack a supportive partner who can accurately weigh the situation of change and the effects on the affected company divisions and close any sudden gaps at short notice.

The target is to be able to act as a CRO/CSO/CMO/CTO/CDO in a supportive capacity in the event of restructuring or abrupt personnel bottlenecks by means of an additional interim expert in a wide variety of subject areas. For this purpose, it is necessary to take over daily tasks as well as to realign strategic goals if necessary and to contribute to a smooth organizational process. In the long term, the aim is to identify an internal or external successor to fill the vacancy.

Our consultants can flexibly fill positions in an interim function due to their years of experience and industry expertise. At the beginning, we clarify with the management which tasks and goals exist within the project. After defining the relevant tasks, we get an exact picture of the company situation in the interim function. Depending on the situation, we help to reduce uncertainties, take the lead as a central function, and actively support the solution of upcoming challenges. In addition, we assume a control function in the defined area to ensure appropriate quality. In addition to handling current tasks, we also help to find a successor for the vacancy as quickly as possible. Through our structured planning we enable the successor a quick and smooth familiarization. After completion of the project, we are also available for consultation and coaching in all questions.

In the course of the interim mandate, ensign’s consultants provide support in the context of restructurings or in the operational business along the entire value chain. Ensuring continuity, sustainable development and efficient re-staffing are top priorities for our specialists.
Our core competencies
Functional Know-How
Due to our many years of experience in line and consulting functions, we have a deep understanding of all business areas as well as the relevant markets and current developments. Combined with our methodical approach and our far-reaching industry insights, we fulfill the best prerequisites to support our clients directly in all work processes.
Identification of Suitable Successors
The search for targeted skills and suitable know-how can be a major challenge for organizations. Within the framework of our extensive contact network, our specialists support the search and selection of potential candidates to close the bottlenecks effectively and promptly.
Executive Coaching to Strengthen the Knowledge Base
ensign advisory supports not only the general re-staffing of function-specific positions, but also the follow-up coaching to strengthen the general knowledge base. Together with our clients and their employees, we aim at optimized department-specific business processes.
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