In a constantly changing economic world, companies of all sizes strive to maintain their existence. Higher market shares, more profit or higher sales figures are the goals set. When contemplating about how this planned growth is to be achieved, the product marketing strategy often comes into play to identify the optimal growth strategy.
Our approach
As part of a growth strategy, companies are faced with the task of deciding whether their growth targets should be achieved in familiar or new markets and with old or new products. An individual, targeted combination of parameters is decisive in generating sustainable growth and surviving in the market.
The aim is to develop a product marketing strategy tailored to the customer’s individual needs that will make a sustainable contribution to achieving the company’s growth targets by opening up new growth areas, further developing existing business areas and products, or striving for innovation.
As part of the product marketing strategy, our consultants help to identify the optimal product-market combination for the respective client organization. This is done by evaluating all potentials as well as risks of the individual options and weighing up to what extent they contribute to or weaken the growth target.
Whether market penetration, product development, product modification, market development or diversification – together with our clients we critically examine current growth targets, structure the procedure, plan measures, and accompany their implementation.
In the case of a desired market penetration, our consultants support the identification, optimization, and better positioning of core competencies in order to increasingly convince customers of the product. Thus, customers can be won away from the competition in the existing market and the market share in the existing market with existing products can be increased.
For clients interested in market development, our consultants offer an extensive industry network as well as market experience and can support with individual market as well as competition and potential analyses to identify and target suitable new sales markets.
Clients with a focus on product development can also be optimally supported by our consultants due to their distinctive industry knowledge. With many years of line and management experience along the entire value chain, we support the development of holistic solutions for optimal infrastructure utilization and product development. Together with our clients we analyze new customer needs and develop possibilities to adapt the given product portfolio accordingly.
Our consultants can also help in innovation and thus diversification. Our many years of expertise can be used effectively here to weigh up market potentials as well as product ideas, to identify risks and to point out potentials.
The consultants of ensign advisory support the identification of the individually suitable strategy, so that our clients can position themselves optimally on the market as well as in the competition. For this purpose, we prepare comprehensive potential as well as market and competition analyses, identify potentials as well as risks and thus help to open up new growth areas, to further develop existing business fields as well as products or to strive for innovations.
Our core competencies
Potential Analysis to Identify Strengths and Weaknesses
ensign advisory supports clients in identifying strengths and eliminating weaknesses as well as in exploiting potentials in a target-oriented way. Together with our clients, we create the foundation for their sustainable business success based on competitive cost structures, innovations and growth.
Long-Term Strategy Development and Corporate Management
ensign advisory advises clients to develop the optimal strategy for the efficient management of their organization and to anchor it holistically within the organizational structures. In doing so, we consider changes in industries and markets as well as the core competencies and resources of our client organization.
Efficient Competitive Analysis
Our team of consultants helps our clients to answer the central questions of competitive analysis and to strategically align their organization accordingly. Together with our clients, we analyze how many competitors are already operating in the relevant markets and what goals they are pursuing. Furthermore, we identify the organizational strengths with which our clients can create competitive advantages. Taking into account the weaknesses of the organization, we will find the competitive strategy that is most effective.
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